Saturday, June 12, 2010

I’ve got dirty feet.

I’ve also realized that I have to write these things, and any things in different fonts, whatever fits my mood. Currently its ‘lucida console’ size 12. I like it.

Today I went with Masha, Natasha and Svetia to another village with a very complicated name that I can’t remember. I didn’t bring my camera because I was just tagging along with them.

We rode a ‘street car’ which is really just a small charter bus with curtains on the windows and lots of people. It was hot, and there was only a small breeze (the whole ‘no draft’ thing will always be beyond me). But it was pleasant. I like, maybe even love, just taking drives so I enjoyed it.

Basically the whole day was me watching the Crisis Pregnancy ministry of MTU in action. The two women travelled to the village simply to encourage the volunteers of a similar ministry in that town. The women needed advice and ideas and so they gave it to them. I also sat in while Svetia gave a lesson on abstinence and sex things to a group of women.

And then we ate at a homeless shelter and then the women all talked again.

Most of the day consisted of me listening to Masha translate, which is kind of tiring, but it was also interesting. I think that is why I am so exhausted right now, from having to constantly try to pay attention to the translation and all that. Its kind of hard.

Anyways, it was really neat to see these older women coming to help the younger ones. All the people involved in this ministry are crazy passionate about it and its so encouraging to me. Watching people act on things that they truly, deeply believe in is so inspiring. It was just a lovely picture of the Body of Christ working together for one cause. I love love love seeing it played out in real life.

I honestly can barely keep my eyes open. It’s only 9:30. Today was rough, I woke up tired and never got over it, even with coffee. Its really strange.

Tomorrow we are going to Romaniv again and then we are going to a baby orphanage. I am going to BABIES EVERYWHERE.

I am pushing through the second half of my book, Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert only for the fact that I know I’m going to read The Fellowship of the Ring afterwards. Yup. It’s over.

I’m also really proud of myself for not having run to my secret stash of cheezits, flavor blasted goldfish, and peanut butter for comfort food solace. I mean, that’s kind of impressive, right?

Anyways, tomorrow I’ll have more stories and pictures.

I am trying to figure out how to upload a video on here, because thanks to Kris, I have been attempting to video tape some things too. But they’re not that good yet.

I am really excited about camp. Masha’s told me all the fun things to do, like going to pick berry’s during free time and I can’t wait to do that.

Alright, I don’t really have anything else to say. Sorry this was kind of boring and lame, but I keep spacing out mid-sentence.




  1. I have been going to Ukraine for 13 years now and I still don't get the draft thing. I have tried to reason with them, but to no avail-just wait till camp when it is 90 degrees and so hot in the room you can't breathe and they won't open a window.

  2. is this the camp that ive been to?! the one thats happening soon?

  3. yes, videos. we want videos!! i just pushed myself through the Poisonwood Bible. It was ok, but not great. I didn't care too much for the author's style. Now, I'm reading a book set on Anna Maria Island. The author came to vacation here and was so inspired that she made it the setting for her next book. How cool! It's so funny to read things and have them say, "so they met at the Sandbar for lunch". Haha Love you lots!

  4. Oh Babies!!!! They get ya every time:)
