Sunday, June 20, 2010

two words.

Two words.

Pastor Peter.

Yesterday consisted of this: camp, free wifi/espresso (not free) at the mall and THE BEST DINNER PARTY I’ll ever go to in my life.

The American team and Chris, Krystallin, Barry and I all went over to Pastor Peter’s for dinner and I can say it was one of the best nights I think I’ll ever have.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there were 20 courses in this meal. The plates just kept coming, like literally there were 3 rounds of dessert. And Peter and (I don’t know how to spell his wife’s name, so I’m going to type it like I say it) Veera never sat down and ate with us, they were serving the whole time. Let me just list some of the foods that were served: salad, corn, tomatoes with cheese (I tried them), veggies, ham and cheese, more meat, potatoes, more meat, mushrooms, fruit, ice cream and cake. Just to name a few. So good.

After we had reclined to a 45 degree angle and massaged our tummy’s so as to fit in every round and finally digest the food so we can walk out of the house, Peter comes out bearing gifts. He gave each person (at least at the adult table, because yeah, that’s where I sat. Kris and Aunt Vicki, take note for holidays) three Ukrainian chocolate bars, a box of candies and a jar of homemade honey from his beehives. Unbelievable.

Then we all sat around and sang hymns, Peter joining in with his loud and confident baritone voice. I took some videos that I will most definitely post. They’re too good.

It was honestly just one of the best nights I’ve had of food, and hanging out and laughing and praising God. I’ve never seen another person get so much joy out of serving others. Never in my life. The only way we could think to justify eating all this food is that it makes Peter ridiculously happy to feed and serve us this way. The man and his wife are incredible hosts and its impossible not to enjoy yourself and to leave happy, just because he was so joyful.

It was so encouraging! His joy spread to all of us, and his servant heart is an example that I could only wish for.

Let me just be honest, he put American dinner parties to shame.

Anyways, it will long live in my heart as one of the most enjoyable times I’ve had, and hopefully one day I could have a dinner like that for other people.

So let’s all be like Pastor Peter. Bring someone joy and happiness by serving them. Do it today and tell me if it’s worth it (hint: it will be). And it will make everyone around you happy too.

Because despite the hunger, poverty, disabilities, abortion, fear, and death in this world, one thing will always be true: God is good. And we can cling to that, and praise Him every day for it.

Overall, He is good. Remember that forever.

Rock of Ages, cleft for me
Let me hide myself in Thee.

I love you all!


  1. nice post and comments Lauren. You captured the heart of Peter and Vera so well. You are right when you say they put us to shame when it comes to putting on a dinner. It's a little taste of Heaven to be in a setting like that.

  2. Lauren, you have written my heart about Peter and Vera. The food is so delicious, but it's really the joy and's Pastor Peter saying "Ha..lay...lue..ya!!!!! And then hearing them sing to you...and knowing they love each other after so many years! They are committed to all the right things in life..and you know that their joy is real and sustaining! I am reminded of the need to be equally yoked in marriage! I could not stop crying at my last dinner with them in February...I was so moved by them...just them and their love! So glad you get to rub elbows with such a Godly pair!

  3. well your lil blog posts are adorable and precious. i love what the Lord is doing in your life...makes me super excited for you! you rewl!!!
